SAP Learning Blog Posts
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Back to class: SAP class attendees share ideas during a group exercise during training at SAP’s training center in Newtown Square, PA.  From left are Ravin Jani, Bill Canfield, Justin Grimme, and Patrick Banks.

With all the hype about “cloud learning,” does anyone need to set foot in a classroom to learn SAP?

We’re putting the finishing touches on the latest SAP Education North America e-magazine, Learning @ the Speed of Change:  Back to Class right now.  (In fact, if you click this link you may see the pre-published DRAFT version.)

Since SAP Education North America is in the training business, we decided to focus this issue on a question we’ve been thinking about for a while: With all the hype about “cloud learning,” does anyone really need to set foot in a classroom to lear...

In our search for answers, we visited an SAP classroom and spoke with students and instructors.  We patrolled SCN for views from SAP practitioners around the world.  We also spoke with experts both inside and outside SAP.

I won’t claim to have found the definitive answer.  But we did hear (and read) some pretty interesting comments. Please take a look, and feel free to offer your own thoughts as a response to this blog.

Other highlights of this issue

I hope something here interests you, and can help you with your work and career.  We’re always open to feedback.  If you have comments, please respond to this blog or send me an e-mail at