SAP Learning Blog Posts
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The SAP Learning site  recently piloted a new learning feature to help build SAP solutions skills in an interactive environment. This blog post aims to provide an overview of these features and how you can start learning with them. 


New way to upskill and practice hands-on 


The SAP Learning site now offers expert-led video tutorials and free hands-on practice opportunities for beginners to upskill in an interactive way. 

This pilot provides a step-by-step configuration guide with five short videos about SAP Business Application Studio with free practice system for learners to extend and practice their skills. 



These practice systems aim to offer learners an easy way to practice what they have learned hands-on in a real technical environment. 

These easy-to-follow expert-led video tutorials and practice systems are perfect for beginners who are new to SAP Business Application Studio and would like to upskill quickly in an interactive environment. 


How can you get started?  

To launch these expert-led videos and practice systems, go to the Explore SAP Business Application Studio page on the SAP Learning site


Explore SAP Business Application Studio page



There click on the video that presents the topic that you are interested in. 


After you have watched the video and you would like to practice what you learned, click on the  "Practice System Access” button, to launch the system. 


Expert-led video


Here you can simply follow the instructions and practice in the environment. 

Practice system


Hope this guide was helpful to you. Please share your feedback or thoughts in a comment below. 

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Happy learning!