Lately, people in SAP Education Americas have been talking a lot about the future of learning. Actually, we’ve been talking about it forever. But recently we had the chance to join Game-Changers radio discussions on these topics.
And you’re invited to listen in.
This month, panelists from SAP Education, IBM, Farmers Insurance, Ovum, Deloitte, and TBR, join Game-Changers radio discussions about user experience, the future of work, and the future of corporate learning. Live this Thursday, March 20, Lori Williams of SAP Education joins a panel called Future of Corporate Learning: Leading Edge or Falling Behind? You can also read what Lori has to say in a new interview, "Conversations About Learning" on page 7 of the latest SAP Education e-magazine.
If you’d like to join the experts for a look inside their crystal ball, here are the details of the three shows:
Future of Customer Experience: Fast Forward (March 6, 2014)
Listen to this broadcast
User experience. The past decade has seen an accelerated, pervasive evolution in the B2C and B2B user experience, with the introduction and adoption of mobile technology at its core. Consumers have come to expect– and demand – intuitive simplicity in apps, speed-to-satisfaction and personalized customer experiences. If this rapid pace of change continues with more technical advances in hardware and networks, how will we interact with our computers in the next five years? Put simply, will technology, business trends, and culture limit or knock the socks off of tomorrow’s buyers and users?
- Jeremy Cox, Ovum
- Jaco Van Eeden, Deloitte
- Peter Spielvogel, SAP
Future of Work: Ready to Unlock Human Potential? (March 13, 2014)
Listen to this broadcast
Companies with engaged employees typically are able to retain top talent, garner customer satisfaction, and earn best in class marks. Their secret sauce? Effective corporate learning programs. On the flip side, companies that fail to provide great training may see their employees becoming increasingly frustrated, disloyal, and ineffective.
Heads-up to management: It’s your choice, but beware that the stakes are only getting higher.
- Richard Edwards, Ovum
- Kris Pederson, IBM
- Kerry Brown, SAP Education
Future of Corporate Learning: Leading Edge or Falling Behind? (March 20, 2014)
Click here for details
Pop quiz: Are you developing your workforce – millennials, boomers/zoomers, everyone in between – to their highest potential with employee-driven professional development plans, proven learning strategies, and rigorously evaluated educators?
Time’s up! If you answered “No”, you’re ignoring a mission critical business enabler. Even worse, you may be setting up your staff to become frustrated, disloyal, and ineffective at their jobs.
Can you afford to take such a risk?
- Patrick Heffernan, TBR
- Jeff Losey, University of Farmers
- Lori Williams, SAP Education North America
Bonus reading!
Recently, SAP Education’s Learning @the Speed of Change e-magazine featured an interview with SAP panelist Lori Williams. There, she offers her assessment of the current state of IT learning, where it’s headed, and she describes an SAP Education platform that combines cloud technology and social learning to reach more learners.
To read more, click here and go to “Conversations about Learning” (page 7).