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Joint project with Moscow State Technical University n.a. Bauman (BMSTU) was initiated in July 2015 as a summer internship project of PhD and MSc-students in D-Shop of SAP Labs CIS our cooperation with BMSTU evolved first into creation of a curriculum on Industrial IoT and then into a complex expo-booth on Industry 4.0 showcasing the scenario on distributed manufacturing.

Moscow State Technical University n.a. Bauman was the first university who had ever presented its applied research activities at SAP Forum. MSTU booth featured a production robot at SAP forum venue and a large screen broadcasting the production line placed in the University campus, so that Forum visitors could send commands to the remote production line using HCP which demonstrated the capabilities of SAP HANA Cloud platform to control distributed production facilities.

The latter booth spurred a lot of interest among participants of SAP Forum Moscow (major regional event) in April and in May during Conference "Digital Industry and Manufacturing in Russia (CIPR)" where it was attended by the Presidenf  of Tatarstan, R.Minnikhanov, ICT minister of Russia, N.Nikifirov and CEO of RosTech Corporation (major Russian state-owned corporation in the sphere of discrete manufacturing) who admired the example of co-innovation of an international IT-vendor and academia (pictures below to inserted).

On July 11, 2016 during the major industrial forum InnoProm-2016 Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev has visited the booth and was presented by SAP expert, Alexey Gavrilov, the Industry 4.0 scenarios on distributed manufacturing with part of the equipment being controlled locally and part of it being controlled via SAP HANA Cloud Platform remotely in the premises of BMSTU-University Laboratory (short video from Russian Government official channel from 0:46

I believe this is a true example of academia-to-business innovation transfer and collaboration and has a great potential to evolve into a Next-Gen Lab with BMSTU-university who's expertise has proven to be of interest to local businesses, government and SAP CIS per se.

I would like to thank Sergey Kuzin and Evgeny Simonovich for being the key experts on SAP side, consulting students and faculty and persuading SAP marketing to use the booth, and Andrej Bievetski, SAP Labs CIS MD, for providing all sort of sponsorship to the project from Labs side.

Further BMSTU will be on stage of the upcoming SAP Academic Conference EMEA to sign a MoU on cooperation in the sphere of Industry 4.0 with SAP Labs Moscow.