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You cannot transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant in overnight. It needs lot of commitment, dedication, sacrifice, effort, expertise and ability to become a reliable SAP Consultant. Unfortunately, there is no short cut to achieve this. Many people are of the opinion that the SAP Certification would bridge this gap however, in fact, it is not. SAP Certification would probably give you a better marketability, however, it does not make you complete SAP Consultant. For that matter, none of the Certifications in the market can you make you an expert consultant . Many people have asked me that they are interested in SAP and wanted to know how to become a good SAP Consultant? Unfortunately, there is no short cut to become an expert SAP Consultant. There could be some people who followed short cut methods to become SAP Consultants, however, unfortunately, those consultants are only paper consultants. SAP Consultant jobs are lucrative, at the same time, they are mixed with hard work, lot of sacrifices, enormous amount of reading and flexibility to adopt new situations. Those consultants who have the real passion can only become the recognized consultants, remaining all become just workers working for salary. Your reputation lies in your hands by helping the people across the borders. You need to stretch yourself to level of helping people with selflessness and give them the real guidance possible.

There are number of qualities that are required to become a successful SAP Consultant. good education, business process knowledge, good configuration skills, communication, team playing,  understanding the business needs, quality documentation, reading ability, sharing knowledge and many more. A certification cannot make you a successful consultant in a day, however, it would help you in your life long career journey. Nothing can replace your hard work. To become a great SAP consultant is a long term process, learning new points on a daily basis and constructing a palace of knowledge over a period is key to your success. The way SAP is coming up with new technologies, it is always difficult for the consultants to maintain that pace throughout their career. If you have a great listening quality, then you will always be open to learn new things. Learning is a process of life and there is no end to it. It is the greatest quality of any good quality SAP consultant. Furthermore, you should always willing to share the knowledge, rather than hiding it in your head. Many SAP consultants, lacking this great quality. The more you share, your knowledge would be doubled, unlike money.

Many people have asked me how I can become a good SAP Consultant. My only answer is passion. Without passion, we cannot be successful in what we do. I see myself SAP Consultancy is also skill like swimming. Before I learn swimming, I was always wondering how the people swim. Though I was so passionate for swimming, I did not know how to swim it. Once I learned swimming, then compete with other people and learning all other new skills. Similarly, the people who aspiring to become a good SAP Consultant, also must be wonder, how can they become a good SAP Consultant. Read as much as you can, practice whenever you find time and listen to what mentors are saying. Never feel you have reached a pinnacle once you become a SAP Consultant. Becoming SAP Consultant is not the end of story, it is the start of new life and new journey. New life also gives you more challenges, more awards, rewards, and sacrifices to achieve what you want in life. Learning new skill is always a challenge, to become a master in that skill it would take years together. Therefore, to become a great consultant, learn SAP with authority and do not keep any gaps in conceptual knowledge and basic fundamentals. If your fundamentals are strong, then you can build a great palace.

Many people try to fake / exaggerate their CVs to become consultants. Never try to do such things. It would hunt you for life. What you know is what you know. What you do not know is what you do not know. There is always a tomorrow to learn something new and exciting. There is no shame to accept that you do not know something. There is no hard and fast rule that you should know everything in this world. It is unlikely and not possible. There are also many people who are really reluctant to share their knowledge. Furthermore, they would discourage the people who are intending to share the knowledge with true spirit. Forget about SAP Consultant, being a social animal, every individual in the society has an ethical responsibility to share something and help the society. The life is only fruitful when you share something to this world and help the fellow human beings. If we are only taking and fail to give anything back to the society, then there is no difference between animal and us.

Though following qualities are not comprehensive list to become a good SAP consultant, however, they would immensely helpful in their life long journey.

Good Education

Strong Education is the great foundation for any knowledge based profession. Just becoming a graduate or becoming a MBA is not everything, cannot be called as a good education. Always stretch yourself to toughest professional courses, which will take your knowledge levels to a new a level. Always try for the new professional courses, which test the waters. You should have a zeal from the childhood to have good education. Good education does not mean that studying in great B-schools. Good education always comes from within the individual, that spirit would push you towards learning new skills, subjects and technologies. Unless, you have strong inclination towards learning and education, it is always not possible to become a good consultant. For example, if you are a chartered accountant or management accountant, it would always immensely help you to become a good financial consultant.

Business Process Knowledge

Good SAP consultant should always have sound business process knowledge. What is this business process knowledge? The process surrounded at each business activity / item. To make it simpler, when you are working in an organisation, you would see number of jumbling words. For example, credit note, debit note, invoice, bank statement, good received note, inventory control, stock taking, balance sheet, profit and loss account, trail balance, purchase returns, production, planning, forecasting, budget, cash flow statement, cost sheet, funds flow, standard cost, marginal cost, fixed cost, materials, purchases, hedging, negotiable instruments, inter-bank clearing, banking operations, petty cash, procurement, purchase order, purchase requisition and what not. Now the question is how can I improve my business process knowledge? Business processes are dynamic and need not necessarily they are same within the industry. It may change from company to company. You need to understand each such word in detail and understand the business process flow surrounded by it. The important things to know is what is the triggering point for this activity and what are the subsequent business activities that are going to be followed. If you work, on these items, over a period of time, you would get good base of business process knowledge.

Configuration Skills

Configuration Skills are the most important skills for any SAP Consultant. Unless, you master in this area, you are not going to get the confidence in any project and you will be dependent on other people. You should be master yourself not only just configuring the system, but also needs to understand the impact from end user point of view. There are number of consultants reluctant to put their hands on the key board, however, intended to become master consultants, that is never going to be happened. I have observed number of consultants, they would never take the ownership of doing anything on SAP system, however, sit next to you by just watching and talking. If you are going into that mode, you are never going to be a SAP Consultant. The number of times you are going to configure and follow the business process / end user documents, it would give great confidence. Therefore, try to gather configuration documents and do as much practice as you can. Exploring the options in system gives you enough confidence, as the troubleshooting skills are very required for SAP Consulting profession.

SAP Help

SAP Help is like a Bible. Every day start reading sap help. SAP help is written with utmost care by experts. The more number of times that you are reading it would give enormous conceptual clarity. Whatever be level of your skill and knowledge in SAP, you should never forget reading SAP Help. SAP Consultants who mastered has spent thousands of hours reading this. You need to have many years reading on daily basis and it is not an easy job. Many people find it difficult to read huge amount of text regularly and religiously. At one point when the consultants become good in their own area, they tend to ignore reading this. They would refer only as and when required. However, in my opinion, reading SAP Help is habit that needs to be practiced in case if you need to transform yourself to a great consultant.

SAP Community Network

Over the years, SAP Community Network has transformed itself to a rich source of SAP knowledge. SAP should itself feel proud of what a great platform that they have created to bring together the thousands of consultants across the globe. Points etc. has motivated number of people to contribute to the great extent. More than points, it is knowledge that is being shared through forums, articles, blogs, videos etc. are really amazing. Without being part of SAP Community Network, I do not consider you as a SAP Consultant. You may be highly knowledgeable, however, without that being shared for the community, there is really not much value. I do not think you would get any better platform to share your knowledge than this and get recognized. It is always worth to contribute / read the forums on a daily basis. This good habit would keep yourself with good amount of knowledge. Please do not only ask questions, try to share / answer whatever you can. There are number of people only tend to ask questions, but never tend to give answers. This is a very bad practice, life is to share and help. Just asking questions would make you nowhere.

Service Market Place

There is no better place than Service Market Place for SAP Consultants. It is really surprising to know that there are many certified consultants who do not even know where to login and how to login to this great resource. I understand you need to have the logon credentials to access this, if you do not have one, please ask your SAP Basis administrators. If you are already certified, please ask SAP Education / Help Desk, they would give your password. There is not just one type of document. For everything, you would be asked to refer a particular SAP Note, without having access to this, you could never know what the Note says. This is not just for referring notes, when you need to raise OSS (Online SAP Support) notes for your customers. It is not just limited to these things, it has everything. I cannot imagine a SAP consultant without having access to this great place.

SAP Best Practices Building Blocks

Being new to the consultant world, people tend to configure the system and test end user transactions how it works. However, there is no idea where to start and how to integrate between various modules. SAP Best Practices Building blocks would give a great amount of confidence to the consultant, as they provide the detailed configuration documents, business process documents and scenario overviews etc. The following link would be helpful. There are different versions of it. It contains guides across industry / country. If you have problem in accessing the following links, use Internet Explorer (IE) rather than google chrome browser. If you configure various scenarios in your demo system and test as per the business process documents, then your confidence levels will be immensely increased. The number of times you configure various scenarios, you would be mastered in that area.


21st Century has started with Professional Networking / Social Network. You cannot imagine anybody without having linkedin / twitter / facebook. You always need to maintain the network and develop them over a period. Being knowledgeable is half of your task, whereas maintaining professional network is the other half. Both are like two sides of the same coin. Linkedin the best professional network site, everybody should have one and keep your profile up to date. You profile is the snapshot of your skills, education and achievements etc. If you give a name of a person, people tend to search in linkedin. If you do not have linkedin account, then they would think either you are fake or you do not exist. It is really awful to work in a professional organisation and do not have an up to date linkedin account. Personally, if I cannot see a person in linkedin, I surely believe, that person is a fake. Therefore, please update your linkedin profile, have good professional network and try to get recommendations from others.

Sharing Knowledge

There are number of people who are very reluctant to share their knowledge. You will only be recognized when you share your knowledge with your clients, colleagues and the community around you. If you do not share your knowledge, the knowledge inside you will be rusted over a period of time. Therefore, always open to learn to new things at the same go for an extra mile to share the knowledge with others. I have been negatively criticized by some of my friends / colleagues for writing blogs. When the whole world is writing blogs, why cannot we? I may not be expert in writing blogs, if anybody is being motivated with my blog, the very purpose of my task is accomplished. It is not required to have great amount of knowledge to share, but you should have wonderful heart. If you just work for yourself, earn yourself and educate yourself, then you would never get an identity in the world. Remove every barrier around you and start using your fullest potential to share the knowledge.

Communication Skills

Last, but not the least is Communication Skills. 90% of success to your career is dependent on your communications. Do not underestimate the power of communication skills in your career. It is not that everybody would have great amount of communication skills. It all depends on the natural skills, environment you grown up, the education you have undertaken etc. If you think you do not have them, then try to develop over a period of time. Communication Skills are not just talking in English, being a SAP Consultant you should always learn to talk both in Business Language and Technical Language. When you go to client places, it is always expected to talk to them in business language. At the same you should also have good command on the technical abilities when you are conveying to the other consultants. Nobody is perfect in this world, keep pushing yourself to fill the gaps in this area.

Former Member
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Thank you for your valuable advice :smile:

0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

Its really Very good, super  :smile: very much Impressed and totally agreed with your points so so nice Ravi. :smile:



Active Contributor
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Nice! Respect for that!

Former Member
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Hi Ravi,

Thanks a lot ...How to be become a SAP expert need to work hard

but never mind ... that's clear but with passion 🙂

Have a nice day


Active Participant
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Really an awesome article.. motivating words and perfect guide for the seekers.. Thank you

Former Member
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Thanks for this amazing blog

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Brother Ravi,

You saved my life.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

hatoff of to Mr. Ravi Sir!! Though you had contributed several topics through scn. This is very most important topic in today's everybody sap life. Mr. Ravi Sir pitched correctly and delivered in grass root level. Anybody wants to became to learn sap or to do more in sap or keep on experiencing should first go with your certification blog.

I Once again thanks Mr. Ravi Sir!! for sharing and contribution our scn community page!!



0 Kudos

Thank you Ravi Sir

This is very inspiring blog and  which I am looking for.

Anyway Thank you


0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

Firstly thanks for all your blogs.....i am following your blogs since i started my professional career being as end user , it helped me a lot , motivated and guided me and now today i am appointed in an Implementation project.

Thanks for sharing these valuable thoughts.


Abhishek Singh

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

This is very excellent blog, not only fresher but every one should read this.

Thanks ,


0 Kudos

Hi Ravi

Thanks for the inspiring words . I related to a lot of what you said being new at SAP and working very hard.

Thank you.

Former Member
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Respected sir,

Thank you so much for the beautiful article. I am working for an NGO for the last 5 years almost, now wanted to shift to corporate. Being an MBA grad to achieve the objective to reach corporate and to a different domain from an NGO, I have taken SAP FICO online training and practicing it on the demo systems for almost an year now.

I must say every word you say are so very practical and valuable for any fresher or for a person who is stepping into SAP field perse.

Lots of questions. But day by day I am getting lot of clarity by reading your articles.

Thank you for your guidance and support to the larger community like me.


Aravind Sai

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You summed it up quite nicely. Very well thought out and precise. Hope I can follow this path that you have laid out . :smile:



Former Member
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Hi Ravi,

Nice blog. Would definitely help many in the career path. I am new to SAP and it is good stating point for me.



Former Member
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Hi Ravi,

Its been great to see the peoples around in the professional life to show us a right path and successful way for bright career. After reading your article and blog it really boost our knowledge and passion to became a good SAP Consultant not to work for salary purpose.

Thanks to you... Ravi...


Active Participant
0 Kudos

good syed...

Active Participant
0 Kudos

nice word Mr. Jon Reed. due to technology advancement we need addl. updation is must.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for this work. All these days i have been working taking help from my colleagues. Today i have realized that i am lagging in which area. Once again thank you for the impressive blog and indirect way to help me.



Former Member
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Very Nice and Useful Post.

Active Participant
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HI Ravi,

          Whenever I fed up, I used to read your article thought I have read so many times. it gives me confident and removed all my fear. Wonderful article , very well categorised

Thank you,



Former Member
0 Kudos

This is absolutely true. Dedication and hard-work is the only key. Becoming a successful consultant sure is blend of a lot of things. You need to explore and keep on exploring.


Rubab Zehra

Former Member
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Great post ! Thanks :wink:

Former Member
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This is really a fantastic blog for the SAP user's well done and thanks for your writing keep in touch :smile: .



Former Member
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exceptionally good

this is a great guide for all the beginners

Former Member
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Hai Sir

I am at starting stage of  my sap career , I fell very happy to get the Guidance from expert like you at starting of my career ..

I read one of your blog ,  Many people try to fake their CVs to become consultants.

I am very much motivated your words..and started reading your blogs again and again .

I too beleive in your words .. What you know is what you know. What you do not know is what you do not know. There is always a tomorrow to learn something new and exciting.

I will put my 100% dedication to become a good sap consultant without manuplating my CV...

And I Too not Good At Writing Blogs , I Dont even Try it till now,, But I Started with this comment by taking your inspirational words .. When the whole world is writing blogs, why cannot we?

And I am Very much Thankful to you for Motivating the new commers in to SAP PLATFORM

Look forward to more from you...



Former Member
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Very passionate and engaging. Makes me see how my 18 month journey with SAP B1, though hard, has actually been very full fulling and I'm miles more knowledgeable and enriched from it!

Thanks for sharing and giving me the boost I needed to learn more!


0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

It's all about knowledge sharing, which i do fully agree. Nice blog :smile: ℹ



Former Member
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Being a fresher in the SAP world, this helped narrow my focus a little bit. The advice on SAP Help was very useful, it's a resource I knew was there, but it made me dive a little deeper and take it a little more seriously


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

It was amazing blog.It helps me a lot.Am beginning my career in open source technologies.Now switched to SAP as a BI Analyst, henceforth post you have written help us to start the SAP in better way.Thanks. :smile:

0 Kudos

Dear Ravi ,

Thanks for sharing the Much needed information to Achieve the heights in Career. All the Aspects like Technical , Business ,Process , Problem solving,Ability Act . is covered . the content is very useful for everybody unlike how much is  experience level.

Thanks again !

Kind Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Ravi,

I am feeling so motivated..Thanks for wonderful words .



Former Member
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thank you for this awesome blog. your words are inspiring. im a student of SAP CO module. after 1 month Im having my exam. after reading this blog im very much motivated and excited to study more n more and become one hell of a consultant. thank you for this.


rafeh rauf

0 Kudos

Awesome thought and guidance for fresher.

Very well organized information.

Former Member
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As I am thinking to transform myself from software developer to SAP consultant, I found this blog very fruitful for me. Hats off to you Ravi the way you explained it step by step is really very helpful.
0 Kudos
Great motivational for all
Former Member
0 Kudos
hi sir,

i am running small software development company ,now im plan to enter next level so that decided to become SAP partner.

need your suggestion to become SAP partner.

0 Kudos
Great Word Ravi Sahib.
0 Kudos
Hi sir,


First of all thanks for the information you have shared.

I am fresher in SAP.I don't have any industry experience.

I need your some suggestion to go ahead in SAP.


Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Ravi,

I read this post of yours for the first time. It is highly motivating and it serves the purpose for which you have shared this.

I have bookmarked this post and will look to read it whenever I am out of guidance. ?

Thank you so much, keep posting!!!

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello Mr. Ravi,

Thanks for the invaluable insights about this domain.

I have just read your post and found it meticulous and highly informative.

I need your advice to pursue a career in SAP.

I am a Mechanical engineer and have 8+ yrs of experience in Procurement (Supply Chain Management) with a leading heavy engineering MNC. I have been an end user of SAP, MM module and have a keen interest in shaping my career into SAP. Though, I have no knowledge about the implementation (development) part but I would like to cover all the co-ordinates which can make me a good SAP professional.

I seek your advice on the importance of certification courses from either Siemens or SAP, which seems are a prerequisite to get the job offers as claimed by many institutions. Though I have seen people who have really struggled to even get calls after investing around INR 3.5-4 lacs into this certification part.

What shall be the correct way to venture completely into this domain at this current market situation.

Please guide.

Best Regards

Amit Sahay





0 Kudos
Hi Ravi,

Thanks a lot for sharing really useful blog it really helpful for me.




Fabulous!! Every consultant must follow...Thank you Sir.
Former Member
Thanks Ravi for this expert summation. You are indeed an inspiration and mentor to some of us that relatively new in SAP consultancy. I highly appreciate this write-up.
Ravi, thanks for the insights given. It was a very helpful blog.
Active Participant
Thanks Ravi this blogs is motivating lots of teachings about be a good consultant as well as good human being. Keep it up with your motivational blogs and technical blogs in future.
Sir, thanks for taking your time to write this elaborative article, very helpful and motivational.


Active Participant
0 Kudos
Dear ravisankar.venna sir,

I proud to  say this blog changed my life , my thought process towards to sap job searching to working as a sap fico consultant  thank you very much sir.


0 Kudos
With my current observations as a junior BA, I feel so true about the fact that SAP consulting requires as much work as other consulting professions, not just learn the system and we're good. Thanks for the summary.
0 Kudos
Thanks for the motivational writing. It inspires a lot.