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In part two of our Get a (Learning) room series, I spoke to Mark Green who is the lead moderator of the SAP HANA Implementation & Modelling Learning Room. Read on to find out more about using learning rooms within SAP Learning Hub to develop your SAP HANA skillls

Mark has been with SAP Education for over 17 years and is an experienced consultant and instructor specialising in SAP Business Warehouse, SAP BI and SAP HANA.

Q – If someone is looking to learn more about SAP HANA, how will signing up to a learning room help them?

The key element of any Learning Room is people. The Learning Room supports collaborative learning and currently we have almost 600 learners in the SAP HANA Implementation and Modelling room and that number is growing daily. Each one of these learners is only a click away from you so you are able to easily ask questions and share your thoughts and findings.  Also the Learning Room  is moderated by SAP instructors who are there to guide you through your learning journey and they are available to answer any questions you have. So if you like your learning to be supported by helpful people who want you to succeed, come on in.

Q - How much can someone really learn about SAP HANA just from reading information online?

If you type ‘SAP HANA’ into Google you will be overwhelmed by the content available. You could pick your way through much of this content and develop a reasonable level of knowledge. SAP HANA is constantly evolving and every 6 months we see new and significant capabilities provided with each new release. Online content can quickly become outdated so you cannot easily know whether you are learning the latest
features. The Learning Room only provides accurate and up to date knowledge for

Q – If someone wants to get certification in SAP HANA, surely they need to join a class to do this?

No, you do not need to join a class in order to follow the path to SAP HANA certification.  One of the key aims for the Learning Room is to provide support to people who are preparing for SAP HANA certification by providing links only to relevant course materials needed for preparation for the exam. Plus the LR provides coaching and support from SAP instructors who will help learners with any questions they have. We also make sure learners are ready for their exam by providing questions on each exam topic.

Q - I like asking questions to deepen my understanding.  Is it possible for people to do this in a learning room?

Absolutely, one of the key features of the Learning Room is the collaboration area where learners can post questions. SAP instructors ensure that questions are answered quickly and thoroughly. SAP instructors also run regular live sessions so that you can meet online with the group and chat live.

Q - There are thousands of courses available on SAP Learning Hub.  How do people know the right ones to take?

There are now a huge number of learning resources that can support your SAP HANA knowledge development and it is not always easy to know where to begin. The Learning Room provides a guided Learning Map that lights your way along you learning journey, suggesting the learning content from with the SAP Learning Hub that is aligned to your learning objectives.

Q - One of the things I like about SAP training courses is meeting people from other companies and learning from them.  Can an online learning room replicate that?

The success of the Learning Room is attributed to the people who populate it and provide contributions. For those who like to be social learners, such as yourself, the Learning Room is the perfect environment. Learning Room members make many new friends who support them in their learning journey.

Q - Do you have any examples of people who have used a learning room successfully?

Every week Learning Room members take and pass SAP HANA exams and their preparation is powered solely by the Learning Room.  I think that is a clear sign that the Learning Room is providing effective support to its members. 

Q - Reading handbooks and attending e-learning courses is great, but I like to practice too.  Can we get access to a system through a learning room?

Yes, SAP Learning HUB subscribers have access to the same training systems we use in our SAP HANA courses. This means you can work through all course exercises and if you get into trouble you just reach out in the Learning Room for prompt assistance. You can purchase SAP Live Access in blocks of 20 hours that can be used at any time over a 30 day period.

Q - I’m totally new to SAP Learning Hub and learning rooms – where should I start?

Decide on your learning objectives and then find a Learning Room that supports those objectives. Then use the Learning Room to guide your learning journey. The Learning Room will suggest learning content from the Learning Hub and provide and a clear path towards your ensure you meet your objectives.

Q - What would your top tips be to get the most out of a learning room?

Make collaboration a top priority. Learning is more effective and much more fun when you reach out to others. That includes fellow learners as well as the SAP instructors.

Many thanks to Mark for taking the time to answer these questions; I hope you have found this useful.  There are a number of different SAP HANA learning rooms available within SAP Learning Hub, you can find an up to date list here.  For further information, please contact your
local SAP Education office or you can sign up to SAP Learning Hub here.