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By Stewart Muchuchuti (Botswana Accountancy College)

Botswana Accountancy College (BAC), a new, full member of the SAP University Alliance has successfully planned and delivered the SAP TERP 10 course, the first ever by a SAP UA member university in Botswana, thanks to the support rendered by the UCC Magdeburg and the SAP UA office in South Africa. The course, run on a pilot basis, was attended by 12 enthusiastic BAC students and 5 equally keen lecturers from the School of Computing and Information Systems. The fully engaged course generated a lot of interest from the participants who found it to be a natural progression from the erp4school foundation program which they had all completed prior to taking on the TERP 10 course. Both these courses have stimulated interest in SAP products within the student community at BAC and other institutions of higher learning around, judging by the number of enquires received after the course, thanks to our evangelistic student ambassadors spreading the news and sharing their great experience during the sessions.

Apart from running the courses mentioned above, BAC, School of Computing and Information Systems is looking into incorporating SAP UA curriculum into existing programs and packaging UA courses to offer to students who dare to stand out in the job market.

"... man, I just love SAP..."