Having trained a large group of learners on using the broad set of features in SAP HANA Cloud Platform, we decided to go one step further and show you how you can use it in real-life industry scenarios like extending existing SAP products.
Extending SAP Products with SAP HANA Cloud Platform ran from November 11 – Dec 16, 2014.
It helped developers to enhance their abilities and learn about the current extension options that SAP products offer. By exploring the required technologies and tools that help them to be productive, participants were able to experiment on their own with the provided sample applications and demo APIs. The course featured extensions to SuccessFactors, which allows you to adapt and integrate SuccessFactors cloud applications to existing company-specific business processes. SAP Jam was another featured product, and we outlined how to bring the social dimension to developed cloud applications and how to integrate with SAP Jam.
As the course is finished now I would like to present some key statistics which may be of interest for you:
- 2,349 learners were enrolled on day 1 of the course.
- When the course ended this number had increased to 4,745. During the course an additional of 102% participants joined.
- We issued 752 graded records of achievement.
- Around 230 posts were created in the discussion forum.
- 17.5 % of the participants were SAP employees.
- The female to male ratio was 12.7%.
The following graph shows the geographical distribution of the course participants
The TOP 3 countries were India (30.1%), United States (14.5%), Germany (14.1%),
The participants came from 88 countries above the 1% threshold.
We also checked from which companies users came, as some of them are indicating their company’s e-mail account. Here are the TOP 3:
- Wipro,
Let’s have a look at the course participants by age which is shown in the graphic below
The age distribution shows a peak mainly from around 35 year olds, which can be interpreted that a high number of professionals attended the course. I am quite confident, that the learnings are beneficial for their business tasks. Nevertheless we had quite a remarkable amount of people around 60 years old which shows that fascinating IT topics are not a question of age.
The discussion forum also showed a deep interest and vivid activity, which we appreciate very much.
I also would like to share some nice cites of participants.
Good course, Easy Quick Learning
Thank you
Explicitly delivered
What do you like about the course?
Please be aware that this blog posts reflects my personal interpretation of the metrics only. What are your thoughts on the statistics I have presented? I am curious about your comments.