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European Spatial Agency organized a contest for students in 6 EU locations. Starting from data sent from Copernicus Satellite, objective was to build an application, based on SAP HANA, to maximize the use of natural resources with minimum risks on environment, health and security.

UA France was represented by only one team coming from le Havre University :

  • LORCHER Alexandre
  • BROCHARD Mathieu
  • LE MOAL Julien
  • DEBROIZE Julien

After a long travel, the participants started brainstorming on their application on Saturday afternoon.
They built a Mining Optimization System for mining industry in order to optimize production, security and reduce impact on environment.

The project was based on satellite data and allowed to build a map of the data quicklier thanks to HANA.

The new application would work on any device. It allows users :

  • to build a map of their own region.
  • to better identify places where they could find Mining, depth, temperature, and structure of the ground.

This application would also take into account human environment and pollution generated in order to define the best place to work on.

See a proof of concept of the application below.

To build this nice application, they used their brain first (the good idea with adhoc blueprint phase) but also big sheets to list ideas and build the business plan.

They also used SAP HANA Cloud Platform to build a web app and API Maps to visualize data on the map.

Our French heroes worked during 48 hours on their project. Then, the 8 teams presented their project to the jury.

The jury did not choose their application. However the student got a very useful and cool experience on SAP tools.

Thank you guys for this nice adventure,  well down and hope to see you soon on other contests.