The EducationNewscast
Together with Christoph Haffner we ride on the 3rd wave of Podcasting. Already around 2007 we introduced Podcasting at SAP internally, like to drive mobile Knowledge Transfer for colleagues in the field. Since January 2018 we have restarted - and have an own podcast channel again: the
EducationNewscast. We interview experts on all around learning, training, new Work - sometimes with a SAP relation, sometimes more general. We hope to give everyone interested in SAP and also more general around Learning & People Development interesting insights. Most sessions are weekly interviews and discussions in german language - but there are some english interviews also. Please find them here below and feel free to listen or download.
Modern Workplace Learning with Jane Hart --
openSAP /
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The SAP Community: Help & Connect all around SAP with Craig Cmehil --
openSAP /
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How to make users happy: Education & Learning Consulting with Moritz Huber --
openSAP /
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Learning at the Edge, Scalable Learning & Learning Ecosystems with John Hagel -- openSAP /
Spotify /
Enjoy listening. We plan to set up a pure english channel in the future and will keep you posted.