On September 4, 2015 SAP University Alliances partnered European Research Center for Information Systems of Muenster University to run Student Design Thinking Jam using Stanford Design Method.
The event was organized as a part of Young Scientists Track of the main agenda of International Congress on Intellectual Systems and Artificial Intelligence which took place in Divnomorsk, Russia, from September 2 through September 7th, 2015.
Participants of the DT-Jam including 12 Master students and 6 PhD-students from 6 different universities across Russia, namely:
- Moscow State Technical Bauman University
- Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in collaboration with MIT
- National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics' (branch in Nizhny Novgorod)
- Moscow State University of Road Construction
- Tomsk State University
- Novosibirsk State University
were engaged in a 5 hours open air design thinking session and were offered to tackle a challenge of creating a communication channel effectively bridging together SAP per se and SAP ecosystem (customers and partners) and academia in the new paradigm of Digital Business Framework.
Key ideas generated by students referred to creating a web-portal and mobile application which will provide social-media type of communication between businesses and academia. This platform will allow businesses to deploy information about ongoing research projects, calls for participations for academia and academia in its turn could identify opportunities to join industry projects, position its areas of expertise and get better involved in understanding trends for educating future of workforce.
The participants feedback was a pure delight, students really enjoyed the event, the approach and the opportunity they were provided with. For instance one of the participating students, Anastasia Baryshnikova, MSc of Business Informatics from National Research University 'Higher School of Economics', shared her experience in the quote "For me Design Thinking Session was the incredible time with active people that are full of energy and innovative ideas. Organizers from SAP were able to create positive and friendly working atmosphere that allowed us to be more creative and productive applying Design Thinking approach. It was a great opportunity to solve the real problem and improve teamwork skills. So I am sure that I will use this knowledge and experience in the future”
From SAP side the Design Thinking Jam was mentored by Dr. Yury Kupriyanov, SAP University Alliances Country Manager for CIS and facilitated by Ekaterina Tarchinskaya, AGS Specialist, Transportation management expert.