We are happy to have Josephine Monberg in our today’s episode of our Education Newscast in order to learn about the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on

When Josephine was still studying communications in NYC, she joined the SAP University Alliance and later worked for the SAP Digital Transformation officer, whereshe was responsible for several communication-related topics. In her latest position as part of the Global Industry and Value Advisory department of SAP, Josephine leads the communication for her team and is an enthusiastic podhost of the Industry Insights podcast.
Main challenges for communication in times of of COVID-19
The COVID-19 crisis changes the daily business of any organization and thus the way people communicate to each other. A key to success in terms of communication is empathy – Businesses need to show a high grade of empathy and restructure the way they communicate to customers and employees fundamentally. Simply hard selling in this situation is even more annoying that in normal times.
What can help out in such a situation?
It is necessary to offer employees and customers free pulse checks and make sure that everyone is feeling fine – like for example via Qualtrics. In terms of learning, it is also possible to shift from classroom learnings to virtual learnings. Both was done massively at SAP.
A beautiful example where a solution helped a customer is, when a VP of Sales in SAP was called by a customer, asking for help to get hospital beds as quick as possible. Setting up the SAP Lumira Discovery, he quickly found the requested beds and was able to help the customer.
A look into the crystal ball – the future of communication
Human beings get used to new things very quickly. Some things will certainly go back to normal after the crisis, while some will remain. Many people do realize now, that a lot of meetings can be done virtually without the need to travel. There are a lot of web conferencing platforms such as Zoom or Teams which work perfectly for many use cases, whether you work remotely or participate in learning sessions.
Also, communication will become more significant in any business as well. It will become even more concrete and evidence-based, while the COVID crisis accelerates this change.
Last but not least, businesses also need to think about how to connect with people and how to communicate with different types of people. Companies with an authentic positive and clear demonstrated purpose are preferred by customers.
Find out some interesting links:
Industry Insights (Josie's Podcast)
Illustreret Videnskab (Danish knowledge portal)
Blog on remote SAP Learning offerings
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