You might want to explore our Managing the SAP System Landscape Digital Learning Journey we recently published on our SAP Learning Site and get the knowledge you need to succeed in your career.
It comprise the learning materials you can studying to build the skills you need, for free and at your own pace.
This learning journey will enable users to leverage SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition as an automation and orchestration solution to simplify and standardize the administration of their on-premises, IaaS cloud, or hybrid SAP landscapes.
- Understand and explain what SAP Landscape Management can do to simplify and automate SAP Basis operation in any environment
- Learn to install and configure SAP Landscape Management
- Learn to use visualizations and perform operations
- Learn about System Provisioning such as System Clone, System Copy and System Refresh
- Understand Post Copy Automation
- Make use of Automation Studio to extend the capabilities of SAP Landscape Management
- Understand inbound REST API features
- Learn about the security capabilities
- Explore maintenance and troubleshooting
Hope this is helpful.
We appreciate your feedback and we will make sure to continue sharing interesting topics.
Kind regards