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Hey Students,

Here is a great opportunity to participate in an exciting competition.  "Tomorrow's Capital Markets" needs your ideas on the future, what applications will be needed, how to improve get the picture. 

Here is more information

How to Participate:

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student at a University in the U.S. or Canada (except Quebec) with a great idea? If so, then SAP wants to hear from you!  Students are asked to take a design thinking approach incorporating SAP technologies. Ideas can fall under any Category, and can be business or consumer focused.  For more information on these topics, please refer to the Useful Links.  For the Official Contest Rules, click here. Teams are allowed up to 2 members.  Three finalist teams will have the opportunity to work with SAP developers to build out their application.  Students are asked to submit their ideas using the steps of design thinking:

  1. Empathize - Understand the problem at hand
  2. Define - Research the problem and the topic
  3. Ideate - Come up with ideas that will leverage SAP technology to solve the problem
  4. Prototype - Come up with the design and functionality of the solution, using any medium (paper, PowerPoint, screenshots, videos, etc.)
  5. Test - Survey the idea among users and gather feedback. You must do this step before you complete your entry.

Students must outline these steps in up to 1000 words. The Idea must include an overview of their Design Thinking process, and any major references and citations.  No cover page is necessary.  A short 4 minute video submision is highly encouraged.  Be creative!! Please ensure your idea meets the following criteria:

  • Is the submitting idea innovative?
  • Does the idea have commercial viability?
  • Does the idea advance trading or risk management?
  • Is the idea technically feasible?

The finalists may be asked to work with SAP to build out their final application.  The 3 grand prize winning teams will each win $2500.00 USD and may have the opportunity to continue their engagement with SAP to build out their final application product.