27. March 2015 – 5 Russian exchange students from Saratov and Prof. Dr. Manfred Mühlfelder from SRH Riedlingen visited SAP Headquarters in Walldorf, Germany.
The first program point was a presentation from Michael Danzer (Senior Project Consultant & Executive Assistant Marketing Middle & Eastern Europe at SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG) about SAP Marketing Strategy and Highlight as an example of B2B Marketing.
Afterwards, the students visited the SAP d-shop (short for ‘The Developer’s Workshop’), a global grassroots program that brings IoT technologies closer to the visitors. The technologies covered include electronic platforms for building connected devices such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone, as well as 3D printers, wearable devices, augmented reality and virtual reality devices, robotics and sensor networks.
The last program was the visit of the next-generation SAP Inspiration Pavilion, where you can learn more about the history of SAP and experience firsthand the manifold faces of Big Data. The students experienced how data is affecting our lives today and uncovered its enormous potential for the future.