06. May 2014 - 3 professors and 22 students from Fachhochschule Düsseldorf visited SAP AG in Walldorf, Germany to learn more about SAP and our technologies. Their day begann with a successful 4-hour Design Thinking workshop led by our dedicated trainer Carsten Becker (SAP AG). They were not only given a presentation about Design Thinking but had to apply what they had learned by solving a given problem themselves. Carsten introduced them also to the SAP Student Entrepreneurship Program and gave an overview about the Business Model Generation - Canvas, a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool which allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model.
After the DT workshop Stefan Wenzel from SAP held a presentation about Big Data and Suite on HANA. The students learned about the meaning of Big Data and how this development of a new generation of technologies and architectures affects especially companies today.
Stefan described the Business Suite on HANA by pointing out the smarter business innovations, the faster business processes and the simpler business interactions.
In the afternoon the professors and students went to see the SAP Inspiration Pavilion and a guided tour - Experience Big Data.
To complete the day they visited as the first student group the Big Data Truck in Walldorf. Topics in the truck were: soccer showcase, business scenarios enhanced by Big Data and Internet of Things that take advantage of SAP innovations in cloud, mobile and predictive analytics technologies such as SAP HANA, SAP Fiori apps and sentiment analysis.