Innojam's represent a unique opportunity for students. Its an opportunity to get to grips with a real world problem, use new technologies they are not necessarily familiar or comfortable with and produce something tangible within a 36 hour period. Add into that the fact you will get very little sleep and your idea, app and code will be judged by senior managers and product developers within SAP, some of the leading lights in the IT industry and other interested parties who wandered in off the show floor and you have an exciting mix of adrenaline, pressure, blood, sweat and tears.
We were lucky enough to be able to send twenty one of our Computer Science and Software engineering students to this years InnoJam @ CeBit in Hannover. They loved the experience and talking to them they found the whole trip incredibly valuable. Their attitude and performance did our University proud especially as four of our students were in the winning team, which is a real endorsement of their skills and abilities. Two of them have written blog posts about their experiences, Martyn Rushton and Ben Parnell.
I'm really proud of them and really glad they got so much out of it.