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If  you are holding a grandfathered certificate with the code C_THR81_1405 or/and C_THR88_1408 then you are eligible to take the delta exams D_THR81_1505, D_THR88_1508.

The certificates C_THR81_1405, C_THR88_1408 are valid prerequisite certificates for the related delta exams.

All grandfathered certificates are available in our Certification Hub with the S-User ID (Person ID) you provided when you registered for the data transfer.

If you cannot book the delta exam the problem might be that your Certification Hub subscription is bound to a different Person ID than the one the prerequisite exam is related to.

In this case please write an email with the subject text "[CertHub booking issue]" to Please provide your current Person ID and the exam you'd like to book.

Please note: If you changed jobs and now work for a different company since you subscribed to the Certification Hub you cannot use the remaining contingent of your cloud subscription. This is because your cloud subscription is linked to your company's S-User.

0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

I completed SF LMS (course name SFU-LMS-Mastery) in April 2014 at the SF learning portal. Therfore the certificate is not available in the SAP Learning Hub.

Now I'd like to know how to move this certificate into the SAP Credential Manager. I learned that this is a precondition before I can go through the required LSM delta certification at the certification hub.

Could you please let me know how to proceed and to whom I shall provide which information?

Thanks and best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Ralf

for a grandfathering of the related associate certificate, the requirements for completions gained in the old SuccessFactors program are as follows:

  • Introduction to SuccessFactors HCM Academy
  • SuccessFactors Learning Academy
  • CDP Configuration online training

If you don't have the above trainings completed, you'd need to complete the exam C_THR88_1508 in the SAP Certification Hub in order to get  certified associate SAP Certified Application Associate - SuccessFactors Learning.

Please visit for more information

Best Regards


0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

thanks for your quick answer.

Just to be sure that I understand it correctly because the remaining time is running short:

I do not need to pass through the whole courses but "only" have to complete the exam you mentioned which is available it the Certification Hub, right?

Thanks and best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

may be I mix something up, but as I have passed the

- SF Introdcution into Mastery in December 2013 and

- SF LMS Mastery in April 2014

does this means that because I have completed these courses, that I do not need the C_THR88_1508 but only the delta exam D_THR88_1508?

Thanks for clearing my little confusion :wink:

Best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Ralf

if you are not already certified associate with an older version of the Learning Management (C_THR88_1408 or C_THR88_1502), you need to complete the core exam C_THR88_1508

For a grandfathering of the associate certification the below three trainings are required completed in the old SuccessFactors training program:

•Introduction to SuccessFactors HCM Academy

•SuccessFactors Learning Academy

•CDP Configuration online training

If you missed one of them, you'd also need to complete the Core exam.

Best Regards


0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

thanks for your answer. So I know what I have to do during the next weeks...

Best regards
