To enrich your learning experience, we are piloting a new live stream format on the SAP Learning site.
The first season will focus on SAP Business Technology Platform and will run as an experiment to pilot this new learning format.
In every episode we welcome one expert to discuss one specific question. With only ten minutes per stream, the “Ask the Expert” episodes will be short and easy to consume. You will have the opportunity to interact with experts and peers in real-time in the comment section below and submit your questions. No registration is needed, just join the live stream on the SAP Learning site.
Tune in on November 02, 2022 at 11:30 am EDT, 4:30 pm CET, 9:00 pm IST for the second episode with Esmeé Xavier, Product Communications Lead at SAP AppGyver, where we discuss the question
“Who should start with no-code application development with SAP AppGyver?”
Please insert your questions in the Comment section of this article.
Help us shape this new learning opportunity by sharing your feedback with us.
Want to learn more about low-code/now-code?