Dear all,
I am pleased to share with all of you that SAP Univertiy Alliance China and UCC China co-hosted a Train the trainer workshop in Beijing Jiaotong University from 6th-10th Aug for 52 faculties from 25 universities across China.The T.T.T hands on workshop packed with 3 curriculums they are introduction to SAP ERP,SAP Simulation Game,and SAP Accounting Information System.
Ms.Jenny Yang,Head of University Alliance Great China given a welcome speech to all the participants and shared the SAP UA upcoming event and activities. Dr.Frank Li,The UCC Director of China bring a 30 minutes introduction on "the year of curriculum" which are available on UCC for faculties to select.Mr.Jeff Pan,the head of education great China and Mr.Rohit Bhalla the head of Channel Business APJ spoke on SAP learning hub features and the benefit that LH can bring to the unversities and students.Mr.Jean-Francois Michon from HEC Montreal introduced the SAP ERP sim.Professor Felix Tan from the Universitiy of New South Wales bring a topic on "ERP Simulation Game: Run with Purpose and Applications".
Professor Menghao from Wuzi University conducted 5days training on GBI for the newly joined UA member school professors and also shared his over 6 years GBI training experience in his class.
Professor Cuihong Li from China University of Petroleum is the trainer for Accouting Information System.The major features of FI and Co has been clearly esplained on 3 days workshop.This Course is very helpful for Accounting majored students looking for a job after gradute in China.
Mr.Jean-Francois Michon from HEC Montreal spend 3 days on the ERP Sim training.So far there are 23 faculies in China has been certified as qualified trainer. Those Faculties will be the first group of UCC China ERP Sim potential customer to open ERP SIm course in their school.