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SAP University Alliances China successfully co-hosted an amazing SAP Academic Conference in Yunnan Province during the week of June 8-14, 2015, with China Ministry of Education and Yunnan University of Finance and Economics. To strengthen the relationship with government and help drive SAP's business in China and influence decision makers via Chinese academia. There were totally over 155 faculties from 101 universities participated the event and let the faculties get insights of SAP innovative technologies and be aware of how SAP can help students be ready for the IT talent market.

The conference bring together with Train-the-Trainer workshops to China UA member schools, we offered the latest SAP strategy, SAP solutions and learning resources to the audience. The events featured on S4HANA, Ind 4.0, BI on HANA, IoT and E-commerce together by industrial experts invited by SAP and educational experts from academia invited by MoE.

We also quite appreciated the outstanding collaboration from Festo company and SAP internal LoB incl. Education, Early Talent, KT&E and Sales teaming with SAP University Alliances China to share the best practices with Chinese faculties during the whole week event, and the generous sponsorship from UCC China (Beijing Jiaotong University) and Education China to enable each participant having a great experience in this conference.