Eight students immersed themselves in the startup community for 2 days when they had the privilege to attend SAP Startup Forum in Singapore. At the event, they learnt about SAP Startup Focus program, listened to startup pitches and had hands-on experience on SAP HANA. The highlight of the forum was the sharing of Sogamo, a Singapore-based startup that offers gaming monetization platform on SAP HANA to provide real time analytics to social game developers to better understand their users and increase revenue stream. The event also offered plenty of informal opportunities for the 100 participants to network and learn from one another.
Led by Sudhi Suraj, Startup Recruitment Lead, APJ and Suneet Agera who conducted the HANA workshop on day 2, the event inspired many participants to have bolder dreams in creating solutions in the area of Big Data on HANA.
Special thanks to Simon Dale, Suraj Sudhi and Judy Ng for letting our students to be part of this exciting event!
Feedback from participants:
“The event was very well organized, it covered the business perspective of SAP HANA on the first day and the technical details on the second day. The bootcamp on the second day gave me an opportunity to get hands-on experience with SAP HANA. The hands-on labs were awesome, very comprehensive, covering both backend and front end parts. The speaker was really knowledgeable and approachable as well. Overall, this event gave me exposure to a new technology and new opportunity to move further and be competitive in the IT industry. I hope SAP can organize more events like this in the future.”
Mark Lauda Lauw
Co-Founder of Chloro Code
Recent graduate of National University of Singapore, Institute of Systems Science
View NUS Foodie project or at http://www.chlorocode.com/
“Thanks for the opportunity to attend the forum. My experience these two days has been very good….In terms of learning, I have gained better industry knowledge - not through reading case studies and doing research (online, in libraries, through academic journals etc), but first hand knowledge from start ups themselves on how they perceive and utilise SAP HANA. It is a more "real" experience to hear straight from the people who are using or will potentially use these IT solutions - this is definitely more interesting than reading about the business applications of IT. And it would also allow me to better understand if I am really inclined to going down this career path (of creating or using IT solutions like HANA, versus doing computing research).”
Lee He
Student of National University of Singapore, School of Computing