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On 2 September 2014, Adaire Fox-Martin, President of SAP Asia Pacific Japan, together with Victor Marz, Chief of Staff, Office of the SAP APJ President, Cameron Brown, Head of Education, SAP ANZ, Malcolm Yeoman, Database & Technology of SAP ANZ and Brenton Nicholls, University Alliances & Education Channel Manager of SAP ANZ, visited one of Australia’s top universities – University of New South Wales.

During the visit, Adaire gave an inspiring speech to over 60 people on SAP’s leadership in the environment of disruptive innovation and why students should leverage on SAP resources to dream the impossible and establish startups.  Malcolm followed by sharing on the exponential growth of startups in Australia and what the students can expect from the SAP Startup Focus Program.

Ashish Chadha, Director of Intenmin, shared his real life Startup experience using SAP HANA to inspire the students to embark on this journey.  Last but not least, Brenton elaborated on all the SAP learning assets students could gain from the Student Entrepreneurship program (entrepreneurship curriculum), SAP Learning Hub as well as in applying their knowledge via the SAP Lumira University Challenge ANZ.

Adaire and her SAP delegation were also taken on a campus tour to visit the UNSW flipped classroom (equipped with interactive devices to enhance learning experiences) where the students were working on SAP Lumira University Challenge and other course work. There was a good exchange between Adaire, UNSW lecturers and students on what they were learning on SAP and how students could further their research and findings.

A special appreciation to Ashish Chadha from successful SAP Startup, Intenmin, for inspiring students with his experience and Dr. Felix Tan, a dedicated UA Faculty from UNSW for organising this great visit.