The SAP Big Data Tour is travelling through China from July to December 2014. It features a space which ideas can be generated and shared. Taking the precious opportunity here in China, the 1st stop happened on 17th September in Shenzhen University. With efforts from SAP University Alliances, SAP Education and Shenzhen Decision - SAP Education Partner in South China, this two-day event highlights Big Data topic in campuses. In total over 260 students and 20 professors visited the bus and learned from SAP experts about the innovation applications empowered by SAP HANA and many other cutting-edge technologies by SAP.
Shenzhen Decision also helped SAP Expert to organize Big Data lecture to students and held a ceremony for outstanding students participating in SAP PA Certification. This accelerates the talent cultivation from university to SAP Ecosystem.
The students and professors compromise of different schools of Shenzhen University, including Computer Science and Software, Information Engineering, Economics and Management, Accounting and Statics and Art Design etc. Professor Huang Yunsen, Vice president of Shenzhen Information Industry Experts Committee, was in particularly impressed by this set up. As a matter of fact, all of the professors and students expressed their appreciations towards SAP for providing such a great opportunity for them and really enjoyed the unique experience from the SAP Big Data Bus which is TERRIFIC and AWESOME!
Convinced by the successful experience in Shenzhen University, SAP University Alliances China is working on the next stops in other cities of China in collaboration with SAP China Marketing and SAP Education China. The proposed plan is to host this in universities in Chongqing and Chengdu on the 23-25 September and then visit 2 top universities (China Media University and Tsinghua University) in Beijing this early October.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Read: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China