SAP Korea’s first “Design Thinking Pop-up School” held on June 10th and 11th was a big success. The Design & Co-Innovation Center team in Seoul lead the event, which was organized in collaboration with Maeil Business News – one of Korea's most influential business daily.
The theme for the event was "Urbantainment" - a coined word combining "Urban" and "Entertainment", and the specific design challenge for the participants was to design a new and meaningful "play culture in an urban environment".
The attendees of Pop-up School comprised university students, working professionals, and entrepreneurs. Among the students, there were 24 different universities represented from across Korea. Some took the train for over three hours to attend the event.

The event promoted SAP's brand to the public. Maeil Business Newspaper provided TV, online, and print coverage, including an interview with Christopher Han. The coverage elaborated on how SAP implements Design Thinking inside the company.
- http://mbnmoney.mbn.co.kr/news/view?news_no=MM1001995704
- http://news.mk.co.kr/news_forward.php?domain=news&no=489333&year=2015
- http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=105&oid=009&aid=0003502886

Special thanks to Stacy Han, Head of GCA, SAP Korea for communication support. Above all, thanks to the outstanding Design & Co-Innovation Center team in Seoul for creating and executing such a successful event for the public. Among those who benefited the most were students (millennials) who expressed that they learned so much through the Design Thinking Pop-up School and have come to see SAP as a "cool and innovative company".