At the request of North University of China UA manager conduct a half day SAP learning tour for the students of software school in the University build SAP learning experience center on 10th Jun 2014. There were 4 professors and 50 students involved. And the tour was led by Jenny Yang and Carol Shao for 3 objectives.
I) A lecture of SAP Technology has conducted by Jenny for 40 minutes. Enable professors and students understand how SAP product assists its customer to run better. The BI software Lumira has been installed to each computer of the learning room to encourage students to participate.
A design thinking work shop was led by Jenny and Carol for 2 hours to encourage students become innovative people by master the way of design thinking. with a increasing trend of build digital campus in China Universities SAP UA manager asked SAP students leverage SAP technology like SAP ERP , mobility and HANA to build their school to improve the study and living environment . The students using the design thinking methodology to work on the real problem faced by the University.
During the 2-hours workshop, the team had the opportunity to undergo the process of Design Thinking based on the learnings from Stanford University professor founder, David Kelley. The feedback of students were very positive and they think it is very usefully and helpful for their personally life and future work.
In order to better support UAP program the Dean of software school organized 30 professors from 12 non UA Universities which are located in Shanxi to visit the SAP learning experience center and introduce UA manager to professors.