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On May 9, 30 students from 20+ different universities came to SAP Korea office to attend the biweekly Design Thinking workshop open to university students, led by Teddy Choi from Innovation and Helen Cho, UA Korea. The community consists of a series of 13 workshop during Q1 and Q2 2015 and plans to continue throughout the year on every other Saturdays from 6pm to 9pm. Students who attend the workshop learn about Desgin Thinking methodology in depth. Each week is planned to learn different steps of the 5 design thinking process and remainder of the weeks will be taught with real topics applying Design Thinking steps

SAP Korea has been the leader company in cultuvating the young talents by instructing them the Design Thinking methodology that expedites innovation and changes a way of thinking. Design Thinking workshop at SAP Korea a perfect example of learning-by-doing workshop since the students have also been collaborating with the company to facilitate Design Thinking classes at local high schools.

This week students have volunteered to facilitate Design Thinking workshop to high school students who are members of entrepreneur clubs at each schools. Moreover, the community has been expanding as more students who have had DT workshop with SAP Korea continue to join the community and actively involved in the activities. SAP Korea is excited to see one of the CSR events, 'Design Thinking Tour with SAP' coming to fruition through the involvement of enthusiastic students with the support of UA and Innovation team. We need further support from other teams (e.g. marketing) to grow this community into a part of SAP Korea's events with the millennials.