What’s the best way to find the most up-to-date, accurate SAP training? No matter where you are in the world, the answer is the SAP Training and Certification Shop. There you can purchase and engage in SAP online, virtual live and classroom training solutions 24/7.
If you’re looking for guidance on how to develop your skills to further enhance your career, the SAP Training and Certification Shop features curriculum maps and recommended learning paths tailored to specific job functions and SAP software solutions. This detailed information includes dates of upcoming training and prices, and it's presented in a way that you can easily share it with co-workers and present it to your manager to gain approval for training.
The award-winning SAP Learning Hub is available for purchase on the SAP Training and Certification Shop. This cloud-based solution delivers all the SAP training you’ll need in one place — whenever and wherever you need it. You get access to a vast selection of SAP learning content and our innovative new learning rooms. You can purchase a subscription to the SAP Learning Hub on your own, or your organization can provide subscriptions for up to thousands of users.
And, finally, you can easily manage your online user account — update and edit your user profile, access your training and purchase history, change/cancel existing bookings, and redeem codes for Pearson Vue vouchers and other education offerings.
Visit the SAP Training and Certification Shop today to find out how to get the skills you need to maximize your SAP knowledge and give your career a boost.