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Hello Every One,

As a Fresh Graduate I would like to share few alerts for Fresh Graduates who are looking to get entry into SAP Direct roles in SAP Companies.

Alerts are from the view point of SAP Jobs.

1st Alert to Fresh Graduates:

If you have attended SAP Training @ Local centers (low cost training): Then what companies will expect you to do?

1. They will ask your Original Marks cards. (Do not give originals - just show them and give color Xerox)

2. They will ask you to make a security deposits (all companies will not ask for security deposits, only few will do that)

3. They will ask you to sign a bond of contract.

4. If you join and after some months if you quit before the contract term, then you need to pay the company (in case company had not asked you to make security deposits).

5. If you give security amount and then quit the job in between, then company will not refund your security amount.

See that you are in safer side for your career. If you are not satisfied these points for your career, then you must and should contact SAP Education Partners to be in safer side for your career growth and prospects.

2nd Alert to Fresh Graduates:

If you have joined hands with Education Partners by making an investment for SAP Training & Certification: Then what companies will expect you to do?

Answer for this is very simple:

1. There will be no security deposits.

2. You need to sign bond if it is a contract role.

3. In Permanent role there are no bonds and your career will be for long term. You will be working for long term growth of company as well as for your professional growth.

4. There is no need of giving original marks cards. Since your profile is verified by education partner through third party vendor - Back Ground Verification.

Note: You can get entry in SAP Education Partners; in case of Fresh Graduates there is no prior experience of SAP.


SAP Local Training is best for Learning SAP Application; this is an eligibility criterion for Fresh Graduates.

SAP Authorized Training is best suited for getting trained & certified in particular SAP Module to get good role in SAP Companies for smooth career flow.

I hope these 2 alerts for Fresh Graduates will be helpful. I have some more blogs to share for Fresh Graduates.

Thanks & Regards

Pramila Nagaraj

SAP Financials Associate Certified Consultant - Fresher/Trainee

SAP Certified Candidate of  SourceOne Management Services Pvt. Ltd
