SAP University Alliances (SAP UA) visited the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis and Rimwaya Gustave Sawadogo has presented SAP UA program to first and second-year Masters Students of Informatics and Management. The Gaston Berger University UGB of Saint Louis would like to become a SAP UA Full Member. Professor Cheikh Talibouya Diop of the Department of Informatics and Management participated to the training of the trainers (TTT), organized by SAP UA and its partner ACC ACC Hesso Valis Wallis from 16th to 18th of June.

The GBU has already submitted a request for a test version to ACC Hesso Valis Wallis.
For the discussion the following points and/or action items were derived:
• Define strategy for partnering with UGB on SAP UA membership
• Provide an overview of UA and identify opportunities for collaboration
• Explore possibility to SAP UA membership for Full Membership
UGB decided to become an SAP UA Full Membership.