On June 15th, 2016 Gustave Sawadogo from SAP University Alliances has visited The Alioune Diop University of Bambey (UADB) and has presented SAP UA program to first and second-year Master Students of informatics. The UADB is interested in becoming a full member of SAP University Alliances. Professor Alassane Diop, Director of the Informatics Department and also Professor of Distance Education underlined this purpose during a training program for trainers organized by SAP and ACC ACC Hesso Valis Wallis from 16th to 18th of June.
For the discussion the following points and/or action items were derived:
• Define strategy for partnering with Université Alioune Diop de Bambey UADB on SAP UA membership
• Provide an overview of UA and identify opportunities for collaboration
• Explore possibility to SAP UA membership for UADB
L’université Alioune Diop de Bambey decided to become an SAP UA Full membership.