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Today we had the pleasure to host 100+ kids from schools around Walldorf for multiple coding workshops and activities.

  • How does the Internet work?
  • Start coding with Scratch
  • Find creative solutions with design thinking
  • Experience Big Data in the SAP Innovation Pavilion

How does the internet work

The youngest kids learned how the internet works by playing different roles like being a server, client, router etc. and had a lot of fun with bits and bytes based on a paper model. Most of the kids until today just knew how to use some websites in the internet but not how it works. Now they know 🙂 Further interactive impressions and demos in the context of Big Data they experienced in the SAP Innovation Pavilion.

Summary by Waltraud as coach in this workshop:
"The 9 year old kids from the English-Institute Heidelberg enjoyed their stay at SAP's headquarters in Walldorf. 'How does the internet work' was the title of the project conducted by SET colleagues on the day of service 2015. The girls and boys liked the role-play which helped them understand the function of clients, webservers, or routers'. In the end the class was able to explain an internet connection, memorized how data is transferred by computers, and named hardware that is necessary for internet access. Very positive feedback was received after the Inspiration Pavilion tour and more than once we were asked 'When can we come back and be part of the next young thinkers event?' "

Start coding with Scratch

Two further workshops – one in English and one in German – allowed the pupils to get first hands-on experience on coding. They build funny games and stories with Scratch and presented their ideas to each other. We saw great results like basketball games, Monkey hunts a banana stories or underwater games.

Daniel's personal summary as co-workshop lead:
"Today a group of 26 children age 9-12 from Heidelberg International School together with 3 teachers visited SAP to learn about coding with Scratch a spart of the EU Code Week. As the students are from countries all over the world the course was held in English. It was amazing to see how quickly the students were able to pick up how coding in general and Scratch in particular work. In record time the children were able to build their own little computer games with Scratch. The course introduced coding to those students who had never experienced it before and lower their barrier to dive deeper into coding.

The feedback oft he students was very positive. They all enjoyed themselfes greatly and were very motivated to continue to work on their programs when they are home or build completely new scripts. Also the teachers were full of praise. Having now learned how Scratch works they explained they would use it again in classes to introduce students to coding."

Creative solutions with design thinking

Another group of pupils solved today challenges with the creative methodology design thinking. They worked on paper prototypes in the context of the digital wallet.

Impressions Christiane shared with us as DT coach:
The Design Thinking Workshop with students from Julius Springer School HD again was a high-light showing the great ideas students have and how they successfully build on each others ideas. "It's so fanatstic that a big company like SAP invites students to work on real life challenges that they listen to our ideas" was feedback from the students. The presented prototype ideas for refugee support range from daily language support and family integration to an App supporting refugees during integration"

All workshops have been facilitated by volunteers within the Day of Service of the SAP Scale, Enablement and Transformation (SET) including Bernd Welz, the head of SET 🙂 Big Thanks to all workshop leads and coaches.

At this special “SET Day of Service” the official SAP newsbyte was published.

Please find the best off photo album on our UA facebook account.

Keep you posted on further EU Code Week events.