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Wrong BP Category Created during Master Data Creation in ISU - CS

Former Member
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During data migration for Business Partner in SAP ISU - CS, in few cases the BP type was created as Person while it was actually organization and vice - versa. After around 8 months such discrepancy is found. Multiples bills and invoices have been made.

Is there any way to correct this.If Not what is the implication of this wrong BP category.

The Business Partners were created in ECC SAP ISU - CS through Master Data Templates using EMIGALL. This was done during data migration form legacy system.

However, in few cases, due to non clarity in legacy system data, the BP type was selected as Organization which was actually Person and vice - versa. Now can it be corrected ? If Not, what is the implication of wrong BP type and any workaround to handle this.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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There is no standard way to change the BP from person to org or back.  There is a CDP offering to do this about which you can ask your account executive.  failing that, you can create a new BP and perform a customer change (ECC) to move the service from the old BP to the new correct one, or a moveout/movein to do the same.



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Can you please elaborate how to perform a customer change to move the service from old to new BP.

Also, what is the implication if the wrong BP type is continued and we do not change the same.

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You can perform customer change via EC60 transaction using menu Others > Create customer change.  EC60 can also be used for the moveout/movein. 

The implications are on your business processes - search will work imperfectly since the data is stored differently in incorrect fields; display looks wrongly since the type influences the fields shown; the BP transaction shows the wrong fields for input; maybe your billprint looks at the wrong data,etc.

this is not an unusual scenario overall - many customers have issues post go-live with data migrated incorrectly. Most accept it and move on - it depends on the volume of the bad data.  If it is high, then it is advisable to solve the problem likely with the CDP, or with a program to perform the move transactions.

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Active Participant
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This is a very common situation. Even more, it's very hard to train end user to always pick the right type of BP, so they'll keep making mistakes after go live, if if your migration would have been perfect.

In my experience, the best thing to do is make as little specific settings as possible based in BP type, and consider BPs in their whole as one object. This way the difference between person and organisation is mimimal and mistakes have near to no impact what so-ever.

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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for sharing your experience. It is very true that end user even after migration would commit mistakes in selecting the BP type. Therefore, we also want to keep the difference to minimal effect.

Further, can you please suggest as per you experience, what should be the minimal settings which which we should configure for different BP types (In SPRO).

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In our system there are no differences in customizing between the types. You can custo every uniformly.

The only real difference between the two types is the availability of a VAT number field on the Organisations, but that's already standard SAP, not customizing.