2014 Mar 28 12:26 AM
Hi All,
I want to write off open items during dunning run in FICA using transaction code (FPVA/FPVB).
Can anyone let me know , which function module i should assign in Dunning Activity for write off.
2014 Mar 28 3:50 AM
Hi Puneet,
The FM that you can use for performing a write-off is BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_WRITEOFF.
However, the import parameters for the FM may not get all the values during the dunning activity.
So I would recommend you to develop a custom FM and assign that to the corresponding dunning activity. In the custom FM, retrieve all the necessary parameters and then pass them in the FM BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_WRITEOFF
Hope it helps..
2015 Jun 26 7:23 AM
Hi Amlan,
I also want to do that, but I am not able to decide what parameters are needed and what parameters will dunning pass to the custom FM? I am non technical, have to write in Enhancement Doc.
2015 Jun 26 8:22 AM
Further to Amlan's BAPI suggestion:
Ask your developer to make a copy of the Dunning function module ISU_DUNNING_EMPTY_ACTIVI_0350
This function module has access to all the Dunning structures (i.e. Dunning Header, Contract Account, Items being dunned, etc) while the Account is being dunned in the dunning run.
In your custom code/logic, you can use the appropriate data as parameters to then trigger the BAPI.
You can find documentation on how use the BAPI in the function module documentation in tcode SE37, or via tcode BAPI.
I hope this helps.