2014 May 06 6:36 PM
Dear All,
I have an issue with posting of the Amounts on the GL Accounts during Write off.
Scenario:- Provisions Article
With Delivery:-
Revenue Account 999 on Tax 20
Sale - Provision 105
Provision Account 874
Here the amount 105 has 125/0010 as main and sub tcodes
874 has 100/0001 as main and sub tcodes
with Write off the postings are:-
Writeoff Account 979 on Revenue Acconu 999
Tax 20
Writeoff Account 105 on Revenue Account 999
Provision Account 874
Tax Acconut 20
Where can I do the settings necessary so that with Write off the corrects accounts are effected. Content removed by moderator.
Message was edited by: William Eastman
2014 May 07 7:18 AM
2014 May 07 7:18 AM
2014 May 07 12:43 PM
Hi Lakshmi,
Check Event 5030 as well if you want to override the GL A/c that is maintained in 0120 posting area.
Hope it helps...
2014 May 14 4:31 PM