2010 Jul 21 1:13 PM
After moveout there is no bill order/ no dataset in table ETRG.
If we made a move out for 2010-06-07, there is no bill order, but if we made a move out for 2010-06-12 there is a bill order.
In table TE490ES the fields ECPBILLOFFSET and ECPBILL_PAST = 0.
Is there another customizing table, which i have to fill?
Thanks for any help.
2010 Jul 21 3:40 PM
please check the below configuration
sap utilities->customer service->Process Execution->Move-in/Out->Move-out->Define Move-out control parameters at Document Level.
There are two check boxes available 1. Auto-final bill and 2. No Final Bill.
2010 Jul 21 3:40 PM
please check the below configuration
sap utilities->customer service->Process Execution->Move-in/Out->Move-out->Define Move-out control parameters at Document Level.
There are two check boxes available 1. Auto-final bill and 2. No Final Bill.
2010 Jul 21 3:51 PM
Hi Yuvi_Guru,
thanks for the quick response.
Both checkboxes are unmarked. TE490A-NOFINALBILL and T490A-TE490A-SCHLUSSRECH.
2010 Jul 22 2:29 PM
Can you elaborate the scenario - Was there any periodic reading close to 2010-06-07. Also explain the periodic reading scheduled MR dates close the move-out dates. Please check you installation and let us know. It might be a case of MR suppression since there is a periodic reading closer to the move-out date.
2010 Jul 22 3:09 PM
In this case it´s a installation with drinking water and waste water.
There are only two MR for this installation
51099905 629750 07.06.2010 23:59 31306229 188284 1 03 6,000 M3 Moveout
51099905 629750 06.05.2010 00:00 31306229 188284 1 06 1,000 M3 Movein
This is the meter reading unit:
Portion JVA10 12 Months
MR together with
No. of previous MRs 1
Key date 0 MDE number 1
Factory Calendar ID Authorization Group
Correct Non-Workday Meter reading center
MR by End of MR Period 14 Download by Met.Read. 3
Order Creation to MR 3 MR Anncmt to Order Creatn 0
Print Order by Met.Read. 2 Cu.MR.Ord.Print to OrdCr. 0
Entry Interval 28 Meter Reading Interval 0
eter reading dates
End MR perAlloc.dateMR reason Sched. MRCEstim. in BAdjust BB
15.06.200015.05.200009 01
15.09.200015.08.200009 01
15.12.200015.11.200009 01
08.04.200125.03.200101 01
Billing class Division cat Cov. sheet form
J 99 MR order form
Cust. MR form
Form: download
Announcem. form
Meter reader Meter reading time 0,0
Subcontractor no.
2010 Nov 16 11:53 AM
I solved the problem.
I changed the priority for meter readig reason 09 (Interim Meter Reading Without Billing) from 1 to 4 in table TE610.