2011 Nov 05 7:19 AM
While executing FPG1, error F5858 is encountered. Message details : System Error : Amount field is negative.
Kindly provide your valuable feedback.
2011 Nov 07 8:17 AM
Hello Paresh,
please check if the following SAP notes already in your system:
1424748: Error F5 858 when transferring invoice to accounting
1391191: Plus/minus sign of guaranteed amount (ABSBT) in FI
2011 Nov 07 5:16 AM
2011 Nov 07 8:17 AM
Hello Paresh,
please check if the following SAP notes already in your system:
1424748: Error F5 858 when transferring invoice to accounting
1391191: Plus/minus sign of guaranteed amount (ABSBT) in FI
2011 Nov 08 9:24 AM
Thanks for your reply.
But despite impementing said notes, issue still remains.
2011 Nov 08 9:42 AM
Hi Paresh,
the reason could be really a inconsistency, how is described in the error message.
Check the entries in table DFKKSUM, the entry in field SHKZG (H or S) and the sign in field BETRW and field PSWBT
should be fit togheter. For example:
XXXX H 1 1.000,00- 1.000,00 <------wrong, BETRW and PSWBT havn't the same sign
XXXX H 2 1.000,00- 1.000,00--
Which is the origin of the rec.key?
Are the assigned entries in table DFKKOP also wrong?
Is the problem reproducible?
Best regards.
2011 Nov 09 11:22 AM
Origin key is R9 and as I understand this occurs in cases FMTYP G (payment on account) cases and yes BTRW is negative amt while PSWBT is zero.
Although I have many such cases, I will not be able reproduce such case as I don't know where and how this cases gets generated.
More over, I failed to understand what is difference between BETRW and PSWBT and why there arises difference between the two?
Hope you can enlighten me.
2011 Nov 11 8:34 AM
Hello Paresh,
there is an inconsistency, the question is what is the reason for this. How the documents was created: which transaction, events, customer FM, ... was executed?
To your last question:
fields in DFKKOP:
PSWBT: Amount for Updating in General Ledger
PSWSL: Update Currency for General Ledger Transaction Figures
BETRW: Amount in Transaction Currency with +/- Sign
WAERS: Transaction Currency
If the currency for G/L transaction figures (DFKKOP-PSWSL) the same as the transaction currency in the field WAERS, then
should the amount the same.
Best regards.
2011 Nov 24 6:19 AM
We are using standard config.
Master data contains business place at CA level and segment is assign with GL (*) in posting area 0300.
Despite of it, business place, segment and profit center doesn't gets updated in some cases.
2011 Nov 24 7:04 AM
Hello Paresh,
that segment, profit center and business place isn't filled during creation of documents, is this a new problem
or is there any connection with error message F5858 after tr. FPG1?
Regarding filling profit center attend the informations in sap note 1473984 and 1468167, regarding segment:
1469556 and 1469741.