2012 Mar 05 10:39 AM
Hi Experts,
I am trying to understand what exactly is interpolation and when the interpolation is used in the real time scenario.
In our project,Intrapolation is used in some different sense.Can u any one kindly give with some example when interpolation is used?
2012 Mar 06 8:19 PM
If you two open meter reading orders - let's say one on 01/01/2011 and other on 15/01/2011. If automatic interpolation for a given meter reading reason is active (based on configuration); while meter reading is entered against order on 15/01/2011, meter reading on 01/01/2011 gets automatically interpolated.
2012 Mar 07 10:28 AM
Hi Avinash,
Thankyou for your reply.I will explain you what is followed in our project.Please check if my understanding is right.
In config,Final meter reading at Move-in/out (MR reason -03)is activated for Auto-interpolation(MR-type-04).
let me give u a scenario.on 15th of everyminth Scheduled Meter reading is dere.
A consumer moved out of premise on month ending and another consumer moved in on first day of the next month.
For one instance,the system has meter reasings recordslike this
SMRD is 01/15/2011 with MR-01 and MR type-01
Move-out MR is 01/31/2011 with MR-03 and MR type-03(Estimation)
Move-in MR is 02/01/2011 with MR-06 and MR type-03(Estimation)
SMRD is 02/15/2011 with MR-01 and MR type-01
For other instance,the system has meter reasings records like this
SMRD is 01/15/2011 with MR-01 and MR type-01
Move-out MR is 01/31/2011 with MR-03 and MR type-03(Estimation)
Move-in MR is 02/01/2011 with MR-06 and MR type-04(Interpolation)
SMRD is 02/15/2011 with MR-01 and MR type-01
Can u please make me clear why auto interpolation is taking in one instance and not in other instance