2011 May 16 7:55 AM
in es32,when im clicking on billing periods and devices im getting error as
any suggestions n solutions will be appriciated
Thank u guyz in Advance
Edited by: ikrishna on May 16, 2011 8:55 AM
2011 May 16 6:26 PM
Please tell the error message and description of the error in detail.
2011 May 17 11:37 AM
Hi Krishna,
It seems that there is inconsistency in the installation facts.
Please check the same.
2012 Nov 26 11:55 PM
Hi Krish,
Did you find a solution for you problem? or at least the reason why this is happening?
2012 Nov 27 12:41 AM
Hi Krishna,
Seems that the error is in the installation structure as the descriptions of the error are ISU_INSTALLATION_STRUC_ANALYZE and ISU_O_DEVICERATE_OPEN. It seems that the date at device and/or register level are inconsistent. You can analyse the data further to check the error.
You can analyze the data in installation structure related tables like EASTL, EASTS, EZUZ etc...
If the meters are interval meters then you could also ckeck the profile related data..
Kindly revert back if you need any further imformation....
Rahul Baruah
2012 Nov 27 11:13 PM
Hi Rahul,
I'm going through tables EASTS, EADZ, ETDZ and EZUZ. Do you know where/how I can check the profiles?
Do you have any documentation related to profiles I can go through?
2012 Nov 28 10:44 AM
Hi Ricardo,
Please check below links for EDM profiles information.
Hope this helps you out.
2012 Nov 28 8:53 PM
Thank you Sachin, I appreciate your help.
I found out that there is a device "time slice" missing in the installation I'm facing this problem.
The user removed the device (using EG32), installed the same device (using EG31) and then tried to reverse the installation (using EG50).
My guess is that the user messed up the logical register numbers and/or logical device number during this process of install, remove, reverse etc.
Have you seen this problem before?
2012 Dec 13 11:13 PM
Just for information, in my case SAP had to "adjust" EGERH table manually via OSS Note.