2016 May 02 7:12 PM
Trying to execute single entry through EL28 for schedule MRD but I get error message "AH100" Installation was already billed on 03/18/2016. Do you guys know what do this means? and how I can fix it? I am using ERP SAP 7.0.
2016 May 02 11:13 PM
Hi Valentina,
You cannot enter a meter reading in a period that has already been billed.
In this case, you will need to reverse the billing (and any relevant invoicing) back prior to the date you tried to enter the reading for. You can then enter the read using EL28 and bill again.
***Edit***: From recollection, I think you can enter a read in if its marked as inactive which will ignore it during billing and extrapolation. If that is your intention. However, if it needs to be accounted for in billing, then the original comment above stands.
Message was edited by: Zane Khan
2016 May 03 7:17 PM
Thank you Zane,
I am trying to enter meter readings for 04/15/2016, but is giving me the error mentioned above. if I am trying to enter readings for 04/15/2016 why is it telling me that installation has been already billed for 03/18/2016. Meter readings are already entered for that period (03/18/2016).
2016 May 26 9:41 PM
Had to delete directly in SE16 (tables EABL and EABLG). Changing anything at this MR document seemed difficult because this is a standard transaction.
This issue has been resolved.