2011 Aug 10 9:25 PM
Hi all,
We know that the Relation between BP and Contract account is :
1 BP : n CA.
If the above relation is true, I would like to know the importance of the configuration "Only One Business Partner Allowed" in the below path:
Financial Accounting(New) >>Contract Acounts and Recievables>>Basic Functions >>Contract Accounts >>Field Modifications>>Configure Field Attributes for Contract Account Category.
If we don't check the field for "Only One Business Partner Allowed" , Does it contradict to the 1BP : n CA relation ?
Edited by: kantesai on Aug 10, 2011 10:35 PM
2011 Aug 11 11:54 AM
n BP : n CA relation is possible.
One BP must be account holder from all BPs of CA. Rest of BPs can be Alternate Account, Spouse etc.
Please check table FKKVKP from technical perspective, as both BP and CA are primary key. If it was 1 BP : n CA then there would have only VKONT been as primary key.
2011 Aug 11 5:01 AM
Contract accounts can be linked to more than partner via the 'account holder' function. This setting allows/disallows that feature.
An open item would still only belong to one account/partner, but the items could be viewed with the second partner.
2011 Aug 11 3:10 PM
Thanks Bill & Murtuza,
Information was helpful, I shall explore more on this with your inputs.
2011 Aug 11 11:54 AM
n BP : n CA relation is possible.
One BP must be account holder from all BPs of CA. Rest of BPs can be Alternate Account, Spouse etc.
Please check table FKKVKP from technical perspective, as both BP and CA are primary key. If it was 1 BP : n CA then there would have only VKONT been as primary key.