2012 Nov 29 12:10 PM
Hello to everyone,
I'm working for a Client that use SAP ISU integrated with SD and FI.
Now we would evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ISU and FI-CA integration.
I have read in other discussions that FI-CA was introduced for a large amount of Clients and bills. The Client for wich I'm working doesn't have a large amount of these, so I would know what are other advantages and disadvantages that we could be evaluate for a future ISU/FI-CA integration.
Could you list?
Thank you very much
2012 Nov 29 3:49 PM
To explain in simple terms, after the customer is billed, FICA deals with payments received from the customer and any activities related to dunning and collections. So, once payments are received, they are posted into repective GL's account(MAIN) which is maintained in FI via some interfacing. So FI is the heart of all the currency transactions.
2012 Nov 29 3:49 PM
To explain in simple terms, after the customer is billed, FICA deals with payments received from the customer and any activities related to dunning and collections. So, once payments are received, they are posted into repective GL's account(MAIN) which is maintained in FI via some interfacing. So FI is the heart of all the currency transactions.