2012 Feb 29 5:24 AM
Hi All,
I am getting an error while receiving the confirmation of web service UtilitiesTimeSeriesCalculationERPBulkCreateConfirmation_In,
The error is In bound Message
Unexpected number of output parameters from MDUS request JITCJxn{fIJX00002aA8U0 item 0001
Can anybody Help me?
Thanks in advance.
2012 Feb 29 4:11 PM
Hi Mohit,
You might have triggered ES UtilitiesTimeSeriesCalculationERPBulkCreateRequest_Out and in response got UtilitiesTimeSeriesBundleItemCreateConfirmation_In. Am I correct ?
So the MDUS has to send the data back to SAP ,this is done either by PoD Id or profile number (if profile number are the same number as maintained in MDUS)
From your error message I guess you are using PoD Id for transfer as 'JITCJxn{fIJX00002aA8U0' seems like an Internal Id for PoD Id.
Can you check table 'EUITRANS' with INT_UI as 'JITCJxn{fIJX00002aA8U0'.
If its present then this PoD has an issue,which you need to resolve. Probably you can use FEH for error handling.
Please do post back on how the issue was resolved.