2011 Apr 07 7:50 AM
While creating document we charge tax code in addition to the amount:
tax base amount 100
tax 16 %
total amount 116
We do tax return to the tax authorities at the collection status. When the customer pay 116 we transfer 16 to the tax authorities,
Now we face a case of VAT change from 16% to 17%. Therefore I sould collect 17 but in my system the document amount is 116 and not 117.
Is there a way to deal with VAT change?
2011 Apr 13 7:50 AM
First of all please elaborate what is the process that you are following for posting the document ?
In case of miscelleneous chages or addition charges you can always use FPE1 to post the document .
Cheers ,
2011 Apr 26 4:15 PM
The tax code determination is done by the main and sub transaction pair set up in EK02. This is then compared with the tax code in view TE011 with the billing date to derive the final tax code.