2019 Feb 18 7:09 PM
In ISU I’m configuring rate steps, I need to subtract two operand factors F_1 minus F_2 to write the result in F_3, which variant compare and subtract two factors?
What variant that does work opposite to variant COMPUTE04 which add two factors and output a factor?
2019 Feb 19 9:23 AM
Hi Osman,
As per my understanding, there is no direct variant for substruction. but you can put an addition step and multiple 2nd input-operand with negative one factor and then add this operand to 1st input operand using COMPUTE04.
2019 Feb 21 3:01 AM
Would you please explain how to configure a factor operand with negative one then multiply by the F_2 factor?
It is very helpful if you post screen shot.
I appreciate you help.