2014 Feb 05 9:01 AM
We are creating premise and point of delivery in CRM Web UI.
The problem starts when we enter a value in any standard field of pod like division or the description the value disappears.
Any idea how to solve this?
Kind Regards
2014 Feb 05 12:27 PM
Hi Taydun ,
Can you please send the screenshot stating the steps you followed .
Thanks ,
2014 Feb 05 12:48 PM
Hi Vaibhav,
I have uploaded the screenshot. As seen in the last picture after I've set the division the value disappears.
2014 Feb 05 2:38 PM
Hi Taydun ,
Tried the same thing but the values didn't disappear for me , check the below screenshot , try once again if you face the same issue again then probably there might be some customization done at your end , check any event handler method is defined for this particular attribute (check GET_P method for the division attribute), i.e whenever you select any value from the drop down the event might be triggered which might be clearing he values .
Clicked on more fields ..
Selected division , value didn't disappeared
Thanks ,
2014 Feb 05 2:47 PM
Hello Tayfun,
There is a chance that some customizing is missing .
Please mainatain the following -
Goto SPRO<< Customer Relation Management<< Industry Specific Solutions<< Utility Industry<<
General Settings<< Define Client Specific IS-U Parameters <<
check the tickbox - Upl.TO Contract .
2014 Feb 06 7:22 AM
Dear Rahul,
The customizing is already done. The tickbox is clicked.
Kind Regards
2014 Feb 06 7:51 AM
Hello Tayfun ,
Please maintain the customizng in cross client of your system also .
2014 Feb 06 7:59 AM
Hello Rahul,
Could you please tell me which customizing should be done in cross client.
Kind Regards
2014 Feb 06 8:08 AM
Hello Tayfun
The same settings i mentioned above -
Goto SPRO<< Customer Relation Management<< Industry Specific Solutions<< Utility Industry<<
General Settings<< Define Client Specific IS-U Parameters <<
check the tickbox - Upl.TO Contract .
2014 Feb 06 8:23 AM
Hello Rahul,
Customizing path is not valid for ECC system. I have uploaded the screenshots of the customizing in ECC. Are you refering to these settings?
2014 Feb 06 9:12 AM
Hello Tayfun ,
Go to our middleware system and maintain the settings i mentioned above.
Goto SPRO<< Customer Relation Management<< Industry Specific Solutions<< Utility Industry<<
General Settings<< Define Client Specific IS-U Parameters <<
check the tickbox - Upl.TO Contract .
That will work .
Also try this-
Check the tickbox " Repliaction of IS-U Grid at PoD Active " in your erp backened system.
Check if this works .
2014 Feb 06 9:28 AM
Hi Rahul
The settings are already done as seen in the screenshot below. But still the problem already conutinues.
In CRM system:
In ECC system
Kind Regards