2011 Aug 24 1:17 PM
Dear Expert,
How will change the validity period of Business Partner in ISU (ECC 6.0)
At present date(Validity period) is ( from 01.01.0001 to 31.12.9999).
But I want to change the date (Validity period) is ( from 01.01.2004 to 31.12.9999).
Kindly suggest me.
Thanks & Regards,
2011 Aug 24 4:01 PM
Hi Deepak,
Goto TCODE FPP2 for the business partner and on the top you will se field change in BP role and next two it there is magnifyng glass icon click that icon and change the validity periods.
2011 Aug 29 12:03 PM
Dear Exprt,
Thanks for your help & co-opertaion.
Actuaaly my problem is standard address of BP
Please suggest me, how will set the flag of standard address in Table
BUT021_FS for all BP's.
2011 Sep 08 5:11 PM