2010 Jan 29 7:10 PM
I am beginning a business case about Financial and Process Improvements by using SAP CRM to Manage Utilities Customer Field Services (Connections and Disconnections, maintenance, Help Desk, etc).
I am looking for bechmarks in this area. If you know sources or have some information about, please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Claudio Elsas
2010 Feb 09 8:27 AM
Dear Claudio,
To help you understand the business value of SAP for Utilities, the functionalities of using CRM in SAP Utilities we would recommend to you to participate into one of SAP Utilities courses. Starting 1st March 2010 in Brussels, SAP Belgium Education will organize all ISU courses. As most courses are only available in Brussel, we recommend to have a look at the programme
Hva a look at the Course Finder http://www.sap.com/belux/education - Simply type IUT in course finder.
Feel free to contact SAP Belgium Education and ask the SAP for Utilities training program