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Utilities: 0FC_INVDOC_00

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Masters ,

can u please guide me how to extract data from data source "0FC_INVDOC_00" in to bi system.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat,

Please follow below steps to extract the data.

Step 1: Goto tcode RSA5 in source system(isu), search for data source 0FC_INVDOC_00 and then activate the data source by clicking button Activate DataSources.

Step 2: To replicate data source 0FC_INVDOC_00 to BI system, goto tcode RSDS in BI system and give data source name & source system. Click create button and then save & activate. Now your data source 0FC_INVDOC_00 will be replicated into BI system.

Step 3: Goto tcode RSA1, create Infopackage for the data source 0FC_INVDOC_00 and save & activate. You can find create infopackage option by right clicking on the data source 0FC_INVDOC_00.

Step 4: To extract the data from source system, goto Schedule tab in tcode RSA1 and give data range in selection then schedule the infopacakge. Now it will extract the data based on your selection criteria.

Hope its useful.



Former Member
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There has been a lot of discussion about 0FC_INVDOC_00. I have read all the posts related and found no answer about it. I found that the problem had to do with how to fill the table DFKKINV_BWTRIG (check here for the closest i could reach to a solution ). In my situation we created a generic datasouce and extracted the structure ERDZ based on a function module made by a programmer. But I feel that sap would give a guidance no how to extract the data using the standard datasource if you raise them a message. In any case if you find the way to extract the data using standard sap please share with others.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Finally, here is the solution.

Having received a message from SAP it sees that it not possible to use datasource 0FC_INVDOC_00 without SAP ECC 6.0 Enhancement Package 4 (EHP4) or above. Components "IS-UT" ,"FI-CA", "SAP_APPL" and "EA-APPL" all have to be at least in release 604. You can find more info here:

note Note 874416 (paragraph 3).

In our version EHP3 for example, we couldn't find the path "Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable". Even if we tried to activate the path, it was not possible because we couldn't find the "Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable" option in order to activate it.

  • So if you are using EHP3 or prior, you have to update the above components in source system or install the Enchanement Package 4.
  • If you are already running EHP4 or higher and you are still having problems extracting data, most probably you can find a  solution in the forum.