2011 Jan 12 1:06 PM
Hi Experts,
In iq01 there are two fields 1 device status 2 user status . device status will be automatically changed (avlb to insl) by system after full installation but i need to change the user status (AVLB, NTAV) in iq01.I have created one bdc for iq02 and that will be properly changing the staus if i run seperately but when i am calling this bdc in user exit(EDMDI001,EDMDI002,EDMDI003) this shows one error '
device is already blocked bu user ---" reason being i have to use that device at the time of full installation and user exit that will change the staus also working on the same device during full installaion .
So Please resolve.
Thanks in advance
Edited by: dilipgupta on Jan 12, 2011 3:02 PM
2011 Jan 24 4:26 PM
try this:
Exit Name Description
E07 IS-U: Geräteinstallation und Anlagenstruktur
EDMDI001 Kundeneigene Vorschlagswerte für Einbau, Ausbau, Wechsel
EDMDI002 Kundeneigene Prüfungen für Einbau, Ausbau, Wechsel
EDMDI003 Kundeneigene Daten zur Warenbewegung bei Ein-und Ausbau
2011 Jan 12 9:39 PM
I dont think you can change the user status in the given user exists.
Although, You can create enhancement around FM ISU_EDM_O_STATUS_PBO which may help you to address your requirement.
2011 Jan 13 4:46 AM
Hi Sanjay ,
FM ISU_EDM_O_STATUS_PBO doent have any parameter for device.i also check where used list its not used any where in SAP system . I am not getting how i will use this .
2011 Jan 13 9:39 AM
as the exit seems not to support 100% what you desire, there is a small work around needed. All you have to to is to use the exit and call your own function module starting after the save of the EG31. Usually you can just customize which user state should be set. But if you want to do it via exit, that's fine, you just have to call your own function module within a new LUW, perform a small wait statement (or check, if the equipment is still locked) and set the user state afterwards. Only thing you have to do is to call your module in a more or less paralell mode (e.g. CALL FUNCTION 'ABC' IN BACKGROUND TASK).
Just an idea.
2011 Jan 24 4:26 PM
try this:
Exit Name Description
E07 IS-U: Geräteinstallation und Anlagenstruktur
EDMDI001 Kundeneigene Vorschlagswerte für Einbau, Ausbau, Wechsel
EDMDI002 Kundeneigene Prüfungen für Einbau, Ausbau, Wechsel
EDMDI003 Kundeneigene Daten zur Warenbewegung bei Ein-und Ausbau
2011 Jan 25 7:03 AM
Hi Experts
Thanks. It has been resolverd as i put the bdc code in FM and call that FM in userexit in seperate task(LUW)
CALL FUNCTION 'ZSTATUS_CHANGE' starting new task ltask .
It is working fine.